What To Do When You Keep Saying You’ll Do It Tomorrow

The next moment never contains what you’re seeking

Levi Hart
5 min readJul 26, 2021

The Birth of Responsibility means dealing with what is here in this moment, right at this instance, not constant future planning.

For a lot of my life, I was focused on the macro. What my 5-year life plan was, where I wanted to end up. How I would spend my time once there. All things that are just putting off the inevitable path I needed to take. Of course, in the moment it didn’t ever feel like I was capable of achieving some incredible results now. I felt like if I could just work on my goals at some point in the *future* and then I would be able to really succeed, but it was never in the moment. It was always plans for a future me, a better me that was actively in a productive flow state, in ‘the zone’.

I remembered times in my life where I was at the top of my game, performing really well, which in turn gave me confidence. But this confidence was something that just never seemed to align with the present moment in a way that would let me get past any planning to just actively pursue the work in the now.

Pushing through the feeling of ‘suck’ and persevering is where my ‘productive flow states’ started to appear.



Levi Hart

Reading things that stimulate me, while trying to do the same for others, as I create space for ideas to flourish — Publicly learning and teaching.